diumenge, 3 de novembre del 2013

One creepy afternoon, at 5th class... (Halloween for us)

Halloween has already arrived at Goya school!In our class we had made different funny halloween activities like eating very original cakes which were monstrously delicious, we drank a very bloody drink in which someone forgot his hand... but the most important thing was that we danced and spend a great time together. It was a funny day and monstrously sweet, thanks for collaborate with all the cakes and make greater this Hallowen party. So, happy Halloween 5th grade students!

 Halloween ha arribat a l'Escola Goya! A la nostra classe vam fer diferents activitats de Halloween ben divertides com ara menjar pastissos monstruosament deliciosos, beure una misteriosa beguda en la qual algú havia oblidat la seva mà...però allò més important, va ser que tots junts vam ballar i passar un bon temps junts. Va ser un dia molt divertit i monstruosament dolç, gràcies per col·laborar amb tots els pastissos i fer més amena la nostra festa de Halloween. Feliç Halloween alumnes de cinquè!

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